Monday, December 12, 2011

Too cold to walk?

Huddling under the covers this morning at 6, I have to ask myself this question.  I don't want to ask it, but there it is, warm words in my head pushing out into the cold morning.  And it's dark, too.  And I have much to do before work starts at noon.  
But really, when is it too cold to walk?  I have told myself if the temperature is below freezing (and there is no sun) then I don't HAVE to walk.  I could walk.  I have done it before. But oh, it is so warm under the covers!  

I did not walk at 6am.  I made chocolate saltines and cooked black beans for tomorrow's Christmas party at work.  Then I walked to work.  It was still cold, but the sun was out and it felt so good!  I was sorry to get to work and have to stop walking.  All warmed up and ready to go for another few miles.  

The weather man tells me it will be warmer tomorrow, about 10 degrees warmer.  That should make the walk to work even better.  And I will be glad when we get past the winter solstice and the sun stays up a little bit longer each day.  Take the long way home.
4.37 miles so far today.